How To Play Backyard Dice
With the ability to play Yardzee and Farkle our Backyard Dice is classic lawn game entertainment. Endless summer fun for all ages.
1 x King, a large piece with a crown design and the Backyard Games logo
6 x Batons or throwing sticks
4 x Field stakes for the corners of the pitch
10 x Kubbs – rectangular wooden blocks
Be the first team to knock over all the other team’s kubbs, followed by the King. The starting team is decided by each team tossing a baton towards the King. The closest baton to the King without touching it goes first (if you touch the King the other team starts). There are two phases for each team’s turn:
Team A throws the six batons from their baseline, at their opponent’s lined-up kubbs. These are called Baseline kubbs.
Kubbs that are successfully knocked down by Team A are then thrown by Team B onto Team A’s half of the pitch and stood on end. These newly thrown kubbs are called field kubbs.
If the field kubbs don’t land in the pitch then a second attempt is allowed. If the second attempt is also thrown out of play then the opposing team can place the kubb anywhere on the pitch, as long as it is at least one baton length from a corner marker or the King.
If a thrown kubb knocks over an existing baseline or field kubb, then the field kubbs are raised at the location where they rest, and baseline kubbs are raised at their original location.
Play then changes hands, and Team B throws the batons at Team A’s kubbs but must firtst knock down any standing field kubbs. Once a field kubb is knocked down it is removed from play.
If a baseline kubb is knocked down before all remaining field kubbs, the baseline kubb is returned to its upright position.
Again, all baseline kubbs that are knocked down are thrown back over onto the opposite half of the field and then stood up.
If either team does not knock down all field kubbs before their turn is over, the kubb closest to the centreline now represents the opposite team’s baseline.
Then the throwers may step up to that line to throw at their opponent’s kubbs.
This rule applies only to throwing the batons at the opposite team’s field and baseline kubbs; fallen kubbs are thrown from the original baseline, as are attempts to knock over the king.
Play continues in this order until a team is able to knock down all kubbs on one side, from both the field and the baseline.
If that team still has batons left to throw, they now attempt to knock over the King. If a thrower successfully topples the King, their team has won the game.
Throws must be under-handed!
The batons must spin end over end
Throwing batons overhand, sideways or spinning them side-to-side is not allowed.
Try to throw the field kubbs close together when thrown back to their side, it makes it easier toknock multiple kubbs down.
Field kubbs that right themselves due to the momentum of the impact are considered knocked down.
Kubbs are considered knocked down if they end up tilting and relying on a game piece for support.
For fast play or variety, there are other options you can try…
You will no doubt be able to think of other ways of spicing up the game or creating even fiercer competition. We will leave that to you.
Let us settle any disagreements over game rules with our easy-to-understand guides, so you can focus on having fun with friends and family.
With the ability to play Yardzee and Farkle our Backyard Dice is classic lawn game entertainment. Endless summer fun for all ages.
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